Latest Stories by Jesse Eric Whitehead


The Watcher

By Jesse Eric Whitehead I’m being watched. I feel eyes on me, studying my every move. I look around my little apartment again. Searching for a bug, a hidden camera, a microphone. Anything. I find nothing. Am I going crazy? They say computers spy on us. As do phones. And...


The Wayward Shadow

By Jesse Eric Whitehead The alarm buzzed, shattering my sleep. 6 a.m. already? I groaned, rolled out of bed, and headed to the bathroom. Something caught the corner of my eye. I saw my shadow dart away from me and head for the open bedroom door. I rubbed my eyes....


A Dare in the Dark

By Jesse Eric Whitehead I turn the doorknob on the closed door, afraid to see what might be on the other side. The door creaks on its ancient hinges. I take a step forward into the inky blackness, illuminated only by my flashlight. I’m here on a dare from a...


A Birthday Story

By Jesse Eric Whitehead Today is my birthday. My guests gather around me at the table, all in good spirits. I’m so glad they are here to celebrate with me today. Birthdays only come once a year, you know. “Make a wish,” someone says, and everyone laughs. I close my...


100,000 Miles

By Jesse Eric Whitehead Karol whistled as she peered at her laptop. “Hey, fun fact, honey. It’s 100,000 miles long.” Andy looked up from his tablet, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Thanks for the compliment, dear.” “No silly, not that,” Karol snorted. “That’s more like 100 millimeters. Maybe less....

Man putting together a jigsaw puzzle 0

The Puzzle

by Jesse Eric Whitehead I open the bag and pour the three thousand jigsaw pieces onto the dining room table. This is going to be a challenge, trying to assemble the puzzle without the reference photo on the box cover. I bought the puzzle from a wizened old lady at...