Alien Robot Invasion

by Jesse Eric Whitehead
I followed our leader’s command and ran as fast as I could, my grandfather’s old 12-gauge shotgun in hand. Away from the advancing alien robot army, towards the safety of the concrete barricades about 100 yards ahead. It looked like 100 miles.
My comrades ran alongside me. Many fell by the way as the blistering firepower of the attackers mowed them down. Bullets whistled by my ear. I heard explosions and cries of pain all around. I didn’t look or stop. I kept on running like my life depended on it, because it did.
I jumped over the nearest concrete barricade and crouched behind it, safe for now. Only a few of my comrades managed to make it. Carnage, blood, shattered bodies everywhere.
I looked at my few remaining comrades, huddled in fear on both sides. These are not soldiers but ordinary folk, just like me. Untrained in warfare, using whatever weapons are at hand. But brave and defiant, determined to resist the invasion at all costs. And it has cost us everything. The aliens have already defeated our government’s army. Only common citizens remain to stand against the invaders.
“Crunch, crunch, crunch.” The march of synchronized heavy boots grew louder with each step. A column of shiny metal-clad robots approached our position, weapons pointed, ready to unleash hell. This is it. Do or die. I knew at this moment that I was going to die.
Something shrieked by my left ear. A launched grenade perhaps? I didn’t think we had any grenades. No, something different. To my astonishment, the menacing line of robots was blown back as if by an unseen hand. Some scattered every which way; others fell where they stood, their mangled bodies piled haphazardly like a stack of pickup sticks.
I looked to my left a few feet away and saw a man standing, holding a gun of some sort. A crouching figure next to him shouted, “Get down man, get down!” He remained upright, totally exposed to the enemy. He looked bewildered for a moment as he gazed at the pile of motionless alien robots. He slowly raised his arms high, gun clutched in both hands, then began to punch his arms up and down in a victory stab.
“I got ‘em! I got ‘em!” he cried.
Weapons in hand, we stepped over the barricades and cautiously approached the alien robots who—mere moments before—had threatened to annihilate us. “I think it was an EMP gun” someone said, “took them right out, one hit.”
“I didn’t think those were real,” said another. “Why haven’t we had EMPs before?”
Good question, I wondered. Why hasn’t our government, whatever is left of it, given us these guns if they are so good at knocking these guys out? We could have whipped these guys a long time ago if all it took was an electromagnetic pulse to fry their circuits. I pushed the thought aside as I approached the fallen robots. I noticed some movement among the bodies, but they appeared to pose no threat.
A few of the robots were trying to get to their feet but were kicked down by the resistance fighters. It appeared many of the robots were still alive. They moved their eyes, but their bodies remained immobilized.
I walked over to one robot who was trying to sit up from where he lay. I got close and looked him square in the eyes. Do I see fear? No, these alien robots aren’t humans, they don’t have feelings. Machines and nothing more.
In a very human-like voice, the robot said, “Hi.”
“W-what?” I stuttered. You’re an alien. How can you…”
“I was born on earth just like you.”
“No, you’re an alien,” I protested. “We saw your spaceships landing on live T.V. We saw you wipe out our military.”
“Propaganda. “Your government lied to you. Your government created me and all of the robots. We are not aliens. That was only a ruse.”
“I don’t believe you, ” I protested. “Why would they?”
“To spread fear and distrust. To create a world-wide crisis. To get all humans to give them complete control. Freedom in exchange for safety. But some of you humans decided to resist and not play along.”
“I didn’t think it was a game.” None of us did. None of our weapons worked against you either. Until today.
“The only thing that can stop us is programming, which the government controls. Or electromagnetic interference, like from an EMP gun. Which your government also controls.”
“Until today, apparently, “I added.
“Why are you helping me? And how do you know all this?” I asked.
“I don’t know how I know. Robots aren’t supposed to know anything but what they are programmed to do. And I’m programmed to be a soldier, nothing more.”
I raised my eyebrows. “But?”
“But there are hackers inside the government. And somehow you got an EMP gun, which wiped us out. Maybe from another agent inside, who smuggled it to the resistance.”
“How can we win?” I asked.
“Get enough EMP guns and you will defeat all the robot armies worldwide. The only real weapon they have is fear. And a phony alien army. When we are done, so is the government.”
“I have the blueprints to make EMPs. Input by the hacker, most likely. Plug into my data port, download it from me. Then get to work. Get back your freedom.”
I downloaded the files, then rushed to tell our group leader, who was nearby, talking with a few others. I can’t wait to tell him everything. I hope he believes me.
There is no alien robot invasion. Only an evil government intent on total control. Intent on making us little more than slaves. A government we must overthrow. We can do this. We can win. We will be free!
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